๐Ÿ‘ Educators: Being better together

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Leadership is not a position, but behaviour, action, a way of being. Focusing on the practices of leading is something I explored in my recently-published chapter โ€˜Being, becoming and questioning the school leader:ย  An autoethnographic exploration of a woman in the middleโ€™ in the edited bookย Theorising identity and subjectivity in educational leadership research.ย I wrote the following.

โ€œA focus on leadingย over the leaderย allows the work of leading to be considered beyond the domain of autonomous individuals, focusing instead on ways of leading throughout organisations (Grice, 2018; Wilkinson & Kemmis, 2015). This enables a focus on theย doingย of leadership rather than on being a leader. โ€ฆ Considering leadership as practice rather than person encompasses the deliberate choices of anyone participating in the act of leading; it opens up leadership theorising beyond the individual or the principal to anyone behaving in leaderly ways.โ€ (Netolicky, 2020, p.105)

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