๐Ÿ‘ Distance Learning 3.0: Ready to launch

Liked Distance Learning 3.0: Ready to launch (theeduflaneuse.com)

Wellbeingย is at the centre of our distance learning model. We have deliberately built in a focus on the wellbeing of our students, parents, and teachers by integrating the following.

  • Shortening lesson times and increasing break timesย during periods of distance learning.
  • Includingย one Student-Directed Learning Day per week for Years K-10. This day is a โ€˜non-contactโ€™ day of learning in which students organise their time to complete set work, and teachers prepare, mark and respond to student queries. The day will be cycled through the days of the week, depending on when distance learning begins (e.g. Monday one week, Tuesday the next, and so on).
  • Paring back content to the essentials and rethinking the way students can engage with content.
  • Reconsidering the ways in which students can show their learning, and redesigning or rescheduling assessments where appropriate.
  • Continuing to act withย kindness, compassion and empathy.

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