πŸ’¬ Corana exposed the Tradio Tzar

Replied to Corana exposed the Tradio Tzar | Eylan Ezekiel (ezekiels.co.uk)

Briefly – On to the substance of Tom’s tweets. I know the UK #edtech world pretty well, and I have never heard anyone say that tech can or should replace the human relationship between a teacher and a learner. In fact, even the great satan in the trad’s bestiary – Sir Ken Robinson says that this human contact is the fundamental element of education. The affordances of technology to support learning are real – and, while there are serious issues we should all be talking about (such as the claiming of our classrooms by VC data pirates – read Audrey Watters people!)

Thank you for your reflection Eylan. I was reading a different piece on the failure of edtech and was left thinking about how this differed from the work Audrey Watters.

We do know β€” that is, we have decades of research that demonstrates β€” that some ed-tech works okay for some students in some subject areas under some circumstances. We also know that all of those qualifications in that previous sentence β€” which ed-tech, which students, which subject areas, what sort of circumstances β€” tend to play out in ways that exacerbate existing educational inequalities. Under normal conditions, ed-tech is no silver bullet. Why the hell would we expect it to be now?!

Although EdTech has issues, these are often intermingled with a wider system at work. I imagine that Watters would be just as critical of pedagogical practice or classroom strategies. I also never see any discussion of ethics or privacy in these edtech takedowns.

As you touch on, there is a need to move the debate forward, to include more nuance. I am just not sure if discussions of ‘boats in times of floods’ achieves this.

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