đź’¬ Australia will never really understand what Melbourne went through. And we need to be ok with that.

Replied to Australia will never really understand what Melbourne went through. And we need to be ok with that. (The Shot)

It’s now October. This weekend I will sit down socially with two friends from the same household – outside, distanced, and masked – not exercising, actually catching up just for the sake of it, because it’s a nice thing to do, for the first time since late June.

I don’t want to set expectations too high but I think it will be the best day of my life.

Some of you will understand that. Most won’t.

And that just needs to be ok.

David Milner discusses the problems with understanding what it has been like to be in Melbourne when you haven’t been in Melbourne. The point I appreciated the most was the demise of Jenny Mikakos.

“It’s great you finally got rid of your health minister!”
Kind of. Maybe? I guess it was inevitable. But the weird thing is, when it’s your own family’s lives playing out on TV every day you kinda want solutions as much as scalps. (Unless you’ve gone nuts, which is happening as well.) So if we could also boot out casual labour, bloated bureaucracies reliant on industrial scale outsourcing, criminal profiteering and neglect in the aged care sector, alongside the minister, I’d probably feel a bit better about it all, you know? Oh The Daily Telegraph isn’t talking about that stuff? That’s weird, man.

As the ABC Fact Check demonstrated, there have been worst experiences than those in Melbourne. For example, Ian O’Byrne shared the process of getting a COVID test in the United States.

The lab technician inserted the swab deep into one nostril. It was then left there while they waited for a overly dramatic “I will count to three…..one….two….”

We then waited for almost two weeks for the results to come back. Our family waited patiently as we didn’t know if we were now infected, or should go anywhere. Neighbors also waited and worried about the results.

Finally after multiple phone calls to the clinic, the results thankfully came back as negative.

One note…because we waited almost two weeks…we already exceeded the quarantine timeline. We also got to the point where the test results seemed ant-climactic as we didn’t see any symptoms.

Although my wife and I have waited on average four days for our (negative) test results, it was both covered by the public health system and relatively convenient as the drive-by testing clinic is only a short drive away.

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