A Personal Data Dashboard

One of the challenges with administrative applications and social media sites is the lack of control and awareness that users have about the collection of their data. One ideas that has been discussed to counter this is the idea of a personal dashboard where users are able to turn aspects on and off. This builds upon the ideas around [[Personal APIs]].

A personal data dashboard of sorts where you could explore what providing access to certain data (or not) would cost you.  For example, if you do choose to prevent Twitter or Google from tracking your location, what do you give up?  In many ways, the dashboard would be a space where you could make informed decisions about what you decide to share.  We noted that something like this would have to be run by a third-party independent of the major social media silos in order to ensure that when Facebook or Google say they have locked down access to your information, that can be independently verified. source

To support this concept, Bryan Mathers created a sketch.


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