π Artificial Intelligence and education: moving beyond the hype
Going forward we need to be aware of all the inherent limitations of what AI is and the very human challenges using algorithms and big data. They are human inventions and are embedded in political, economic and social contexts that come with the biases and ideologies. AI can definitely augment our profession and help us become better teachers, but as teachers and students we need to be aware of the context in which this change is playing out. We need to understand it and use it where it will be to the benefit of us all.
Erica Southgate discusses a new report and project produced for the Australian Government Department of Education to support the analysis of artificial intelligence in education. It touches on some of the concerns around AI, including:
Black box nature
Digital human rights issues
Deep fakes
The potential for a lack of independent advice for educational leaders
The idea of AI tracking every movement in education and providing for our next step is an interesting proposition. I am just concerned why ethics comes after the supposed solution:
What happens if the ethics board says the whole thing is unethical?
Personally, I am left wondering if the supposed personalized βresultsβ are worth the reward? There is talk of scraping even more data:
Next we will be measuring the pupils of every staff member to maximise market gains? Is this what education is for?