๐Ÿ‘ A Drone Recovery Post to Remember the Kid

Liked A Drone Recovery Post to Remember the Kid – Drone Recovery (dronerecovery.org)

Once you enter the drone recovery program, there is no leaving it. It just takes several crash and burn outings before you get the hang of it, and can navigate this insane reality we just shared. It took me a number of crash and burns before I had the scars I needed to navigate this craziness. You have to have scars you canโ€™t see or remember. They are the ones you just feel and know. I am guessing your life will leave a powerful scar that will help you through the next mission. Just know that you made a mark. I wonโ€™t forget you, and since your mother is is so damn stubborn and going to live to be a hundred, I have to outlive her by at least a couple days. Sheโ€™s endured too much death for me to go first. Anyways, Iโ€™ll be thinking about you all that time. Later bro!

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