💬 Technology is the name we give to stuff that doesn’t work properly yet

Replied to Technology is the name we give to stuff that doesn’t work properly yet (Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel)

Three things that, to be honest, make me a bit concerned about the next few years…

As a ‘technology coach’ (I think that is what I am) it is an interesting space to be in. There are so many educators out there praising some of these innovations and the affordances they bring. I think that the least we can do is to be more informed, even if this is fallible and somewhat naive.

One of the challenges that really intrigues me is when someone else gives your consent for something without either asking or often even realising. In some ways shadow profiles touches upon this, but the worst is DNA tests:

It is also kind of funny how in education the discussions seems to be about banning smartphones. However, as you touch upon with microphones and wearables, we will not even know what is and is not being captured. A part of me thinks that as a teacher you need to be mindful of this.

What concerns me most are those who feel that we should make the capturing of biometric data standard.

We live in wicked times.

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