Replied to Public Transit Agencies Think Rewards Programs Can Bring Back Riders by David Zipper (WIRED)

Following the example set by airlines, Uber, and Lyft, public transportation officials are creating frequent-flier-like systems to goose ridership.

I like the endeavor behind the idea of rewarding users of public transport. However, I fear that like all the other ‘reward’ programs (FlyBuys etc) this information will be mined and misused. I always think that we miss the greater good associated with public transport, I am not sure of focusing on the individual really responds to this. To be honest, I am not sure if Luxembourg’s free travel is even solving the problem.
Replied to Catch them doing good by gregmiller68 (

Instead of handing out rewards, merits, stickers and stamps, I am strong in the belief that we are better to catch students ‘doing good’ in the moment. Private words of encouragement in the moment have greater impact than the public monthly awards at assemblies, often when the moment has passed and been forgotten.

Great post Greg. It reminds me of a post I wrote a few years ago on the problems associated with the ‘Student of the Week‘.

In a recent episode of Modern Learners Podcast,Stephanie Rogen suggests that spending time on the why (ex

Liked On Reading Rewards by Pernille Ripp (Pernille Ripp)

do not make your end of year reading celebrations about the number. Instead, ask the students what they are proud of. What they have achieved and celebrate them all. Let them have the time to see how far they have come so that they can leave our schools with a sense of accomplishment that they might not otherwise have had.