Listened The rapid growth of e-sports by Dr Sarah Jane Kelly, Darren Kwan, Dr Brandon Spradley, Luke Dale, Mark Azzi, Karin Zsivanovits from Radio National’s Future Tense

E-sports – competitive video gaming – is set to leave traditional performance sport in its wake. Whether to recognise e-sports as a real sport is not the main issue any more; the main challenge is to create working governance structures.

This is interesting listening after reading Doug Belshaw’s post on the rise of eSports. All this discussion of playing games to crowds reminds me of the movie, The Wizard. It is interesting that it is currently unregulated. It would seem that this will be a factor in its inclusion in such things as the Olympics?
Liked The rise and rise of e-sports (Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel)

The article is worth a read, for several reasons. It shows why e-sports are going to be even bigger than regular sports for my children’s generation. It demonstrates how to get to the top in anything you have to put in the time and effort. And, perhaps, above all, it shows that, just as I’ve found, growing up spending time in front of screens can be pretty lucrative.