πŸ“ Music and Private Spaces

I was recently listening to the interview with Jazz/Pop artist, Bruno Major, on the Switched on Pop podcast. He discussed how after being dropped by his record label that he turned to Logic and spent six months creating bad electronic music. This made me think about Austin Kleon’s personal diary as a place where:

I find that my diary is a good place to have bad ideas. I tell my diary everything I shouldn’t tell anybody else, especially everyone on social media. We are in a shitty time in which you can’t really go out on any intellectual limbs publicly, or people β€” even your so-called friends! β€” will throw rocks at you or try to saw off the branch. Harsh, but true.

In regards to music, I wonder if there are projects are out there in storage that have never been released. Sound experiments allowed air to breathe, but not released into the world. Maybe Damian Cowell has secretly recorded a shoe-gazer album? Or Nick Cave is sitting on a swath of political anthems?

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