πŸ’¬ Digitally Literate #229

Replied to Digitally Literate #229 (digitallyliterate.net)

Fragmented Digital Lives
Digitally Lit #229 – 1/18/2020

Ian, the piece about Clearview AI is both disconcerting, yet not a surprise. In particular though, I liked your point about shadow profiles.

This is the stuff that really concerns me when we think about surveillance of our data online. It’s not as much the companies that I know are collecting our content (e.g., Google, Facebook, Amazon) it is these shadowy, secretive groups that are collecting and archiving our content…and connecting the dots between all of our content.

Whether it be Google, Facebook or the plethora of any other secretive startups hoovering up the data, I am left wondering about the right to be forgotten.

It is also interesting to consider this alongside Seth Godin’s recent argument about privacy and permission marketing. Maybe it has always been this way, it is just in the digital age we are becoming more aware of it all?

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