In regards to your balanced approach you maybe interested in Ian Guest’s work exploring Twitter to support professional development. It provides some novel insights and questions.
Knowing that you don’t read my blog, in am intrigued what your collection of ideas looks like in a world without social media? Maybe that is a good place to start?
Thanks Aaron,
Some good thoughts here. I like your approach of being informed and developing habits. Perhaps that’s the conversation we need to be having with kids. What are those habits? What are the variety of ways to use social media? My fear or concern lies in the fact that we’ve perhaps undersestimated the power these have over us as well as the deleterious content that emerges no matter where you turn. But maybe there are better habits than most of us use that could neutralize the negative effects.
For the record, while I don’t subscribe to blogs anymore, I do read yours on occasion and appreciate your contributions and commitment to sharing.
Thank you Dean for the response,
Just to clarify, my comment about not reading my blog was in jest and more reference to your post that my blog. I am glad that you find it helpful.
In regards to habits, I am interested in the IndieWeb, but feel that the real challenge is not the solution, but developing structures to support users in creating their own solution with an awareness of the implications. Maybe Dave White’s mapping protocol might be a part of that?