Bookmarked Adam Kneale was like any footy-loving boy of the 80s until a trip to Footscray’s Western Oval turned his innocent life into a nightmare by Russell Jackson (ABC News)

When Adam Kneale was offered a chance to help out around the Footscray Football Club as an 11-year-old, he thought he was realising every kids’ dream. Instead, he faced unimaginable trauma. WARNING: This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse.

Russell Jackson shares the harrowing story of Adam Kneale and his abuse within the confines of a football club. I was really taken by the reminder about an incident verses a disaster.

“His brother lives in the country now, and he’ll call and say he’s broken a chainsaw. I say ‘that’s an incident, not a disaster’. Adam has had disaster after disaster and they’re two very different things. To lose the boy when he’s becoming a man is heartbreaking.”

It is scary how such things can happen without anyone being aware. This continues his investigation into abuse and neglect within football clubs.

Replied to

Ekkk, lucky I didn’t go to primary school with you, might wreck all those literary Aaron’s out there.
Replied to Subtle shades of difference (

I know that the first place to start is with myself. It’s not good enough to blame the media, it’s important to recognize how I’m triggered by listening to polar opposite views, and for me to hear other perspectives without getting too hung up on how those perspectives differ from mine. I need to look for nuance, and recognize that there can be middle ground that becomes the starting point for good discussion and discourse.

David, I highly recommend C. Thi Nguyen’s discussion of the way in which Twitter eliminates difference and nuance by design.
Bookmarked Learning Synths (

Learn about synthesizers via Ableton’s interactive website. Play with a synth in your browser and learn to use the various parts of a synth to make your own sounds.

Ableton provide an playground space that serves as an online synthesiser, as well as a teaching tool.

“Stephen Downes” in Stephen’s Web ~ Learning Synths – Playground ~ Stephen Downes ()

Liked The great disconnect (

Now, meeting for coffee is something planned a week in advance. A dinner? Let me check my calendar… How’s the 15th sound, does that work for you? No? Ok, the 22nd then?

It’s interesting that while technology has in many ways brought us together, we’ve slowly moved apart. I live far away from my family, and many of my friends. I don’t pick up my phone and call them nearly enough. I plan opportunities to connect far in advance.

Bookmarked Elderblog Sutra: 13 (

I want to revisit the question of the future of blogging in light of the impending reconfiguration of the social media environment due to Elon Musk buying Twitter.

Venkatesh Rao reflects upon Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and what that might mean for the future. He explains that for more than a decade, it has been the main discovery platform. In addition, Rao argues that along with WordPress, it is last of the convivial platforms.

Pre-Musk twitter, for all its faults, was, along with WordPress-style blogging, the last holdout of a convivial kind of web. Not convivial enough to satisfy genuine Ivan Illich stans like L. M. Sacassas or Robin Sloan perhaps, but far more convivial than Medium/Substack/Patreon/Facebook type corporatized platform ecologies. And definitely convivial enough for a philistine like me who prefers (modulo Covid effects) Starbucks over indie coffee shops anyway.

Rao explains that if Twitter were to disappear, it is not something that can necessarily be replaced with something else.

In brief, I treat all these so-called options as part of the cozyweb, good for my cozyweb activities like the Yak Collective, but not meaningful substitutes as far as the more public affordances of Twitter, such as serving as a distribution medium for blogs, are concerned. Twitter is basically sui generis that way. Not only can nothing replace it, it cannot be built again either, since it was a product of a particular era of the web (like Wikipedia and Craigslist). If it goes away, or transforms unrecognizably, we just have to do without.

With the association between long form blogging and Twitter, Rao wonders what flow on effect that Musk’s proposed changes may have.

But perhaps, this time, it would be good for blogging to plot a course into the future that isn’t so vulnerable to these battles over aggregated discussion and distribution media.

And perhaps it is would be best if blogging were to fade away gracefully, without passing the torch of independent convivial media technology to a suitable successor. Maybe the future is about neither corporatized platform technologies, nor Quixotic indie conviviality.

Maybe it is about an entirely different kind of media environment.

This is a particularly interesting in regards to those who wish to find somewhere else to converse and what that might mean.

In other pieces written about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, Adam Serwer suggests that Musk’s purchase is less about free speech and more about politics:

“Free speech” is a disingenuous attempt to frame what is ultimately a political conflict over Twitter’s usage as a neutral question about civil liberties, but the outcome conservatives are hoping for is one in which conservative speech on the platform is favored and liberal speech disfavored.

Ben Werdmuller suggests that opening up the algorithm will not resolve the move to a more inclusive world.

Elon is right to want to open source, but he’s wrong about the implications. The world is moving in a more inclusive, more compassionate direction, and there’s no going back. Nationalism and traditionalism are firmly party of the 20th century, and that is becoming an increasingly long time ago.

Discussing the metaphor of the town square, John Naughton suggests that Twitter is just one small piece of this space:

Musk suffers from the delusion that “Twitter has become the de-facto town square”, which, frankly, is baloney. The internet, as Mike Masnick points out, is the metaphorical “town square”. Twitter is just one small private shop in that space – a shop in which hyperventilating elites, trolls, journalists and millions of bots hang out and fight with one another.

Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk theorise that Musk’s purchase is about diversification:

My mini-grand theory is that this entire sequence of events: The Twitter purchase, the SEC escalation, Tesla’s blowout quarter – it’s all about the next giant package. Musk saw an opportunity at the beginning of the year. Tesla’s business was on a roll, his pay package was almost complete, the SEC was threatening his Twitter account, and Tesla’s stock had stalled out for six months. Every great entrepreneur understands the importance of momentum and he decided to capitalize on this confluence of events.

Similar to Rao, Alex Hern believes a healthy social network is not possible:

I don’t think it’s possible for a site to be both a replacement for Twitter, and a healthy social network, because I no longer think it’s possible for a healthy social network to exist that connects the world.

Robin Sloan adds his thoughts in regards to professional engagement:

As a writer, looking for evi­dence of read­er­ship and engage­ment on Twit­ter makes you into the drunk look­ing for your lost keys under the street light.

A lot have spoke about Mastodon as an alternative. Alternatively, Chris Aldrich talks about syndicating for your personal website.

Alan Jacobs wonders if Musk might be a hero and close the platform down.

Elon Musk could become the world’s greatest hero by buying Twitter and then immediately shutting it down.

Listened Chocolate—the world’s most seductive treat and its dark shadow from ABC Radio National

Chocolate is one of our most popular indulgences but there is a darker side to the industry – one connected with colonialism, the industrial revolution and modern-day slavery.

This podcast dives into the history of chocolate and its relationship with child labour. I was intrigued by the way in which some companies will purchase fair trade for a single product creating the false impression that all their products are made with fair trade chocolate. It reminded me of Jeremy Cherfas’ discussion of ethical coffee.
Listened Fairlight CMI – the sound you’ve never heard of from ABC Radio National

The Australian instrument that shaped the sound of the 1980s and forever changed how popular music was made

James Vyver explores the development of Fairlight in the 1980’s, a musical instrument that involved the ability an extensive sound library, a multi-track sequencer and a sampler. Vyver speaks with a number of those involved in the development of the instrument, including Peter Vogel, Kim Ryrie and Peter Wielk. MESS have also put together a great piece in conjunction with Google Arts & Culture, with links to a number of other resources, including Vox’s video on the origin of the orchestra hit.

It is amazing to consider that in its time, a Fairlight cost as much as a house. Whereas now I can purchase an app like Koala Sampler, and easily capture and create sample base music.